viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

- Is humour necessary to survive?

- Is humour necessary to survive?

I’m sure that it is true; what do you think when you knew a person which always is sad and never smiles, I believe that you will think that he or she is a really boring person. So, in my opinion, humour is really necessary to survive and life will be really harder if it disappears.
The first reason is that humour is a different way to contact with the people, and it helps us to know new persons.
The second benefit of humour is that it gives some fun in our lives. Nowadays, we are living in a really stressed society and we always need a bit of distraction and amusement.
The last reason is that it helps us to overcome the hard situations of life. These problems will be bigger if we couldn’t take them with a bit of humour.

So, we have to be grateful with the people who always try to make us smile. I think we can find these persons in every class and they help us to survive each day of school. And, as I said before, we have to take care of humour because if it disappears, fun, amusement, happiness… will disappear with it.

Carles Torracabota Bosch

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