Name and Topic:
Bernardo Santos and Iñaki Fernandez,
Crimes in the United States of America
Facts I have learned:
- In Russia there are lots of crimes.
- Black people kill more people than white ones
Ideas for my presentation:
interesting topic and Bernat’s pronunciation was incredible.
General impression:
Very good.
Name and Topic:Chainez,
The famine
Facts I have learned: - disastrous famine: famine of 1958 in China.
- The food and agriculture organization of USA is WFP
Ideas for my presentation:
good pronunciation and relaxed
General impression:
very good.
Name and topic:
Neus Pagès and Marina Julià,
Diseases .
Facts I have learned:
- Bulimia, cancer, AIDS and anorexia, are really dangerous diseases.
- The story of Maria
Ideas for my oral presentation:
I like the story of Maria.
General Impression:
Name and Topic:Laia Saló i Elisenda Lladó,
Helpless dogs
Facts I have learned:
- Each year nearly to 200.000 animals are abandoned.- The consequences of the abandonment are: traffic accidents, diseases...General impression:
Name and Topic:
Marina Sarquella,
Natural disasters
Facts I have learn:
lots of different kinds of different disasters such as:
-volcanic eruptions.
Ideas for my presentation:
Very good pronunciation and she was calm.
General impression:very good.
Name and Topic:
Adrià Alfaro,
Facts I have learn:
- Skinheads were born in England and Jamaica
- There are a different kinds of skinheads such us: rush, anti-racists…
- Skin girls organize the fights.
General impression:
Name and Topic:
Alejandro Peña and Adrià Carmona,
The waste
Facts I have learned:
- Danger materials who need thousand of years to be discomposed: plastic bags, condoms, batteries, cigarettes...
Ideas for my presentation:
They bring some waste and we classified it.
General impression:
Name and Topic:
Baldiri Gironella,
Facts I have learned:
- "Green Street Hooligans", a really good film witch talks about this amazing topic.
General impression:
Name and Topic:
Oriol Oliva,
Facts I have learned:
- Water is essential for survive
- The earth contains a 97% of salty water
- We are composed by an important per cent of water.
General impression:
Name and Topic:
Miriam and Anna Genís,
Poverty & patronage
Facts I have learned:
-patronage = apadrinar
-Vicenç Ferrer ONG started 6 years ago
- They are god fathers.
Ideas for my presentation:
I like the idea of the letter, and the topic was amazing.
General impression:
Very good
Name and Topic:
Ariadna Comes,
Animal mistreatness
Facts I have learned:
- Every year thousand of animal are sacrificed to experimental intentions
- There is a web who defend the animal rights:
Ideas for my presentation:
A really good video.
General impression:
Very good
sábado, 7 de junio de 2008
Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September?
Yes, maybe I try to use more connectors and my writings are better. But I think that in the third term we had done the blog and the portfolio quickly, because we need time to study and that is the reason why it's difficult to see an improvement.
But as I wrote before, I think that now I can write better and quickly than in the first term.
Whitch activities did you enjoy doing and would you like to do again next year?
My favourite activities are the dialogue and the speaking ones. I don't know why, but I like to record my dialogue and then listen to it, maybe because I can hear my pronunciation and that helps me to improve it. And about speaking, I recognise that I love talking and that's one of the reasons why I enjoy this activity. But I give importance to speaking because if we travel to England or to the EEUU, it's really important!
Witch activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
-In my opinion the most unuseful activities are the blog and the portfolio ones.
Although I recognize that they help us to improve our writing ,we spend lots of hours on them and we can’t see all of our mistakes. It's a laborious task and doing the posts we have less time to study for the exams.
Witch activities were really useful for you to improve your English?
-Personally I think that the most useful activity is speaking because if we travel abroad, for example, it’s very important to communicate. And if we know how to speak, it means that we have a good grammar and vocabulary level. So, from my point of view, the speaking with Annika and with the teachers are the most useful activities we have done.
Witch activity best shows your level of English?
-In my opinion it’s difficult because in my case I have different levels, depending on the skills, if I am listening, speaking, reading or writing.
So, the best way to show my level is taking a complete exam , because I have to do it without the book, the dictionary…
viernes, 6 de junio de 2008
Opinion essay
We have almost learnt to respect our World, do you agree?
I think we don’t really know how important is our world and we don’t respect it enough.
If we continue behaving like that, we will not know where to live in twenty years.
In my opinion it’s really difficult to answer this question, because there are lots of different kinds of people. On the one hand, there are some cultures who really respect the planet, and on the other hand there are lots of people who don’t know what respect is.
So… we haven’t learnt to respect our planet, but we must learnt to keep it safe.
I think we don’t really know how important is our world and we don’t respect it enough.
If we continue behaving like that, we will not know where to live in twenty years.
In my opinion it’s really difficult to answer this question, because there are lots of different kinds of people. On the one hand, there are some cultures who really respect the planet, and on the other hand there are lots of people who don’t know what respect is.
So… we haven’t learnt to respect our planet, but we must learnt to keep it safe.

The dialogue, Marina Sarquella & Carles Torracabota.
W = woman
A young guy goes to a sailing school and he talks with a woman about the activities that he can practise there :
G:Hi!! Good morning!!
W: Good morning!
G: Is this a sailing school?
W: Yes, of course!! What do you need?
G: Oh, I would like to come with my friends and we want to do something funny.
W: Ok…well, we have some funny activities like windsurfing, kayak…and some kinds of different boats.
G: Ok, more or less we will be…eleven or twelve…Which activity do you think that could be better for us?
W: If you are eleven…maybe you would enjoy a windsurfing course.
G: That sounds good!! How much does it cost?
W: It depends on the time that you want to spend.
G: We want to spend the whole afternoon here!
W: Ok! So , maybe it will be better if you go sailing.
G: What’s that?
W: Well…we give you a boat and an instructor will teach you to sail.
G: and…Is it possible to book it for tomorrow?
W: Yes, it’s ok. So…tomorrow we will talk about the prize.
G: Perfect! See you tomorrow!
W: Byee!!!
( Robert, as you know we have had some problems with the snips and we can't upload the audio, Sorry!)
W = woman
A young guy goes to a sailing school and he talks with a woman about the activities that he can practise there :
G:Hi!! Good morning!!
W: Good morning!
G: Is this a sailing school?
W: Yes, of course!! What do you need?
G: Oh, I would like to come with my friends and we want to do something funny.
W: Ok…well, we have some funny activities like windsurfing, kayak…and some kinds of different boats.
G: Ok, more or less we will be…eleven or twelve…Which activity do you think that could be better for us?
W: If you are eleven…maybe you would enjoy a windsurfing course.
G: That sounds good!! How much does it cost?
W: It depends on the time that you want to spend.
G: We want to spend the whole afternoon here!
W: Ok! So , maybe it will be better if you go sailing.
G: What’s that?
W: Well…we give you a boat and an instructor will teach you to sail.
G: and…Is it possible to book it for tomorrow?
W: Yes, it’s ok. So…tomorrow we will talk about the prize.
G: Perfect! See you tomorrow!
W: Byee!!!
( Robert, as you know we have had some problems with the snips and we can't upload the audio, Sorry!)
Exam opinion essay improved.
Exams are the exercise that show better our level in one subject, because during the test there is nobody who can tell us how we can do the exercises. So, if a teacher wants to know our knowledge in his subject he/she must make an exam. In my opinion, tests help us to improve our level.
The first reason why we have to take exams is because if we want to get a good mark, we have to study. If we don’t take exams probably we won’t study, so why should we come to school?
The second reason is that meanwhile we are answering an exam we have to be concentrated and we have to control our nerves and this is really important, because that will help us in our labour life.
The last reason is that exams are a motivation for us. If we haven’t exams we won’t listen carefully during the classes, because nobody will ask us about that. So, as I wrote before, tests improve our level.
To sum up, I think that the exams are really important in our studies, and if we don’t take the tests, the education will disappear with them.
Exams are the exercise that show better our level in one subject, because during the test there is nobody who can tell us how we can do the exercises. So, if a teacher wants to know our knowledge in his subject he/she must make an exam. In my opinion, tests help us to improve our level.
The first reason why we have to take exams is because if we want to get a good mark, we have to study. If we don’t take exams probably we won’t study, so why should we come to school?
The second reason is that meanwhile we are answering an exam we have to be concentrated and we have to control our nerves and this is really important, because that will help us in our labour life.
The last reason is that exams are a motivation for us. If we haven’t exams we won’t listen carefully during the classes, because nobody will ask us about that. So, as I wrote before, tests improve our level.
To sum up, I think that the exams are really important in our studies, and if we don’t take the tests, the education will disappear with them.

-IBM aims to cool chips with water
A network of tiny pipes of water could be used to cool
next-generation PC chips, researchers at IBM have said.
A network of tiny pipes of water could be used to cool
next-generation PC chips, researchers at IBM have said.
The price of oil has made a record jump to nearly $139
a barrel, amid reports it could reach $150 by July
because of rising demand and political tension.
You get up really early or you can't sleep during
the night? A new technique to find out has been
developed at Swansea University.
My last oral presentation !
In my opinion this is the worst oral presentation I have done during first of Batxillerat. I don't know why but I was really nervous and I think I didn't take care enough about pronunciation but I think we had done a beautiful and original power point and it helped us during the presentation.
So I recognize that I hadn't prepared it enough and the mark shows that.
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