domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008
We have chosen this topic because we had really enjoyed these holidays there, and we wanted to explain to all the people how interesting England could be. Another important fact to make a great presentation is to love the topic and to prepare it, and we have done both things. That’s another reason why we have chosen our holidays to talk about.
We have explained the places we visited and we talked about the English food, so, we dealt with different cultural things about England and the English people.
In my opinion I did it better than the first presentation, maybe because the experience make me feel better and my nerves disappeared, or perhaps doing the oral presentation in pairs helped us to feel more comfortable.
Formal letter
LLuïsa Pintó
C/ Rentador 12
Castelló d’Empúries
Dear Lluïsa
We write to you because we want to make a proposal to change some important things of the high school.
On the one hand we think that if you paint the grey walls of the high school, in our opinion we will work more comfortable.
On the other hand we want to ask you if it’s possible that when a teacher can not come to the class, although the lesson is not the first or the last hour the students of Batxillerat could be allowed to go out.
Finally we want to say that we are really satisfied with the technological llevel of the high school
Yours sincerely
Carles Torracabota and Baldiri Gironella
The film.

The main character is a thirteen years old girl, and all the film is related to the relation between she and her mother and about drugs, sex and petty crime.


Europass Language Passport
viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008
sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008
Oral presentation!
And the photos are the pictures I showed you in my PowerPoint!
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name’s Carles as you already know, I’m sixteen years old and I li

I have got lots of hobbies but my passion is motorcycling. Before talking about it I will tell you what I do most of the weekends. We are a group of friends, approximately 20.
We usually do lots of different things for example, going to the cinema or going for a ride with our motorbikes, and most of the days we stay in Can Creixell the whole afternoon.
On Saturday night, we usually meet at Ruki’s bar in St Pere Pescador and then we decide where we go.
As I told you before, my favourite sport is motorcycling.
I’ve got my new motorbike since last September. I usually take it every day, but when I really enjoy it is on Saturdays, when we go to different places. For example last weekend we went to Requesens castle. In my opinion this is a really funny sport because when we go for a ride together we see really beautiful landscapes and if you go with your friends you really enjoy these trips.
Now, we are building a motocross circuit and when we finish it we will train there.
Related with the motorbike topic, I’m going to talk about Travis Pastrana. In my opinion he is the best motocross rider of the world.
He has won lots of competitions not only in motocross, but he also practices lots of motorsports, rally racing, freestyle mx, motocross and supercross.
Travis was born on 1983 so now he is twenty-four years old.
At fourteen he won his first world championship. And he has been the inventor of lots of new freestyle tricks. The most spectacular trick that he had done is the double backflip; he was the first rider who do it. At the 2006 X-games he did the backflip so… he won the competition.
After the X-games, Pastrana said that he had no plans to do it again.
His X-games participation ended when he injured his right knee meanwhile he was running to see his friend in the stands.
I hope you have enjoyed my oral presentation and if you have any questions….